a woman enjoys experiential therapy for addiction

How Experiential Therapy Can Help You Process the Past

Past events often have a significant impact on your current thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. The effects of these events may be positive. However, they can also contribute to serious problems like addiction. Therapy plays an essential role in the effective treatment of all kinds of substance problems. This treatment often comes in the form of…

a green ribbon represents world mental health day

Celebrating World Mental Health Day in October

Mental health is an important and ongoing issue in societies around the globe. Those issues include pressing concerns regarding women’s mental health. Too often, available treatments like women’s trauma therapy go unused. As a result, needless suffering occurs. World Mental Health Day, set for October 10th every year, is dedicated to addressing these shortcomings. The…

this women's trauma negatively affects her addiction

Women’s Trauma Can Negatively Fuel Addiction

If you experience or witness certain intense events, you may develop a lingering, damaging trauma reaction. For many reasons, this happens to women considerably more than it happens to men. Far too often, women exposed to serious trauma develop problems with substance abuse and addiction. To recover from these issues, women often need help from…

a woman speaks during her addiction therapies

What Are the Most Effective Addiction Therapies?

Substance abuse and addiction are widespread concerns in our society. Every year, millions of people need professional help for drug or alcohol problems. However, for several reasons, not everyone needs the same kinds of help. Instead, each person has unique treatment needs. To meet these needs, effective treatment programs rely on a range of addiction…