If you experience or witness certain intense events, you may develop a lingering, damaging trauma reaction. For many reasons, this happens to women considerably more than it happens to men. Far too often, women exposed to serious trauma develop problems with substance abuse and addiction. To recover from these issues, women often need help from trauma-based therapy.
Compared to men, women have some unique risks for trauma exposure. For this reason, targeted treatment for women’s trauma is essential. At Painted Desert Recovery, we offer a complete trauma-based therapy program for women. This program helps you address the underlying causes of substance issues linked to trauma exposure. Reach out to our team today by calling 844.540.0357 or completing our online form to learn more about trauma treatment.
The Impact of Women’s Trauma Exposure
Trauma exposure among women is not rare. In fact, more than half of all women will go through a traumatic event at least once. Women are exposed to certain sources of trauma significantly more often than men.
Potential sources of trauma include:
- Sexual assaults
- Childhood sexual abuse
- Neglect or physical abuse during childhood
- Domestic violence
- The sudden death of a loved one
Post-traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD, is a classic example of a trauma-related illness. It occurs when trauma exposure continues to seriously harm you a month or more later. Women develop PTSD at more than twice the rate of men. The frequency of exposure to sexual assault helps explain this fact. In addition, women are more likely than men to feel at fault after a traumatic event.
Trauma and Addiction
There is also a known connection between trauma exposure and your chances of abusing drugs or alcohol. You are especially likely to experience substance problems if trauma exposure occurred in childhood. In addition, you have a higher chance of becoming addicted if you have PTSD.
Together, these facts point to a clear conclusion. Namely, women have high risks for substance problems related to trauma exposure. In addition, these risks are not equally shared by men. The link between trauma and addiction underscores the need for women-centered treatment.
You may not realize it, but addiction is classified as a form of mental illness. In some cases, women affected by addiction also develop other serious mental health conditions. That includes conditions other than PTSD. When women’s trauma is addressed, the risks for these issues generally fall. Women’s trauma treatment also makes it easier to overcome existing addiction and mental health issues.
What Is Trauma-Based Therapy?
At Painted Desert Recovery, trauma-based therapy provides focused trauma treatment. This type of therapy has several interconnected goals, including:
- Helping you understand how trauma affects your thoughts, emotions, and behavior
- Showing you ways to recognize the effects of trauma in your everyday life
- Giving you the tools you need to develop healthier ways of reacting
- Providing practical tips you can use in real-world situations
The result is an ability to heal from past trauma. When you heal, you eliminate one of the main motivators for substance abuse. You also receive other important benefits. That includes a greater sense of empowerment, self-control, and improved awareness of yourself and others. In addition, effective trauma treatment helps you strengthen your ties to your friends and loved ones.
Begin to Heal Women’s Trauma with Support from Painted Desert Recovery
At Painted Desert Recovery, our team of experts is dedicated to helping women affected by all manner of substance problems. As part of this larger mission, we offer high-quality trauma treatment designed specifically for women. No matter how you have been affected by trauma, our staff of experts will help you recover. Learn more from our team today at 844.540.0357 or fill out our convenient online form. Make today the day you begin to heal with trauma therapy at Painted Desert Recovery.