How Group Therapy Can Support Your Addiction Recovery

There are two approaches to psychotherapy in addiction treatment, which are individual therapy and group therapy. Individual therapy provides you with some substantial benefits. However, group therapy is equally valuable in its own way. In fact, group therapy support can aid your recovery in ways that individual therapy can’t. For this reason, the group approach…

a woman speaks during her addiction therapies

What Are the Most Effective Addiction Therapies?

Substance abuse and addiction are widespread concerns in our society. Every year, millions of people need professional help for drug or alcohol problems. However, for several reasons, not everyone needs the same kinds of help. Instead, each person has unique treatment needs. To meet these needs, effective treatment programs rely on a range of addiction…

a woman and her therapist going through trauma therapy

How We Implement Trauma Therapy to Addiction Recovery

The effects of trauma can be lifelong without proper treatment. Sufferers may contend with fearfulness, angry outbursts, chronic anxiety and depression, and insomnia. This greatly increases the risk of developing addiction since self-medication is a popular response to dealing with trauma. You can heal from a painful past and substance use disorder concurrently with trauma…