Two people talking about nutritional therapy in Utah

Why Choose Nutritional Therapy in New Harmony, Utah?

With the rise of addiction in recent years, more and more people are looking for effective treatment options. One of those options is nutritional therapy. This motivation to look for effective addiction treatment options may be because drug-related fatalities—often involving addictive behaviors—are increasing in Utah. According to the state’s Office of the Medical Examiner, fatalities…

Doctor explaining to client stimulant vs. depressant drug information

Stimulant vs. Depressant

Stimulants and depressants are two very different types of drugs with varying effects on the body. However, both stimulants and depressants can be addictive when used regularly, and addiction to either requires professional addiction treatment. Painted Desert Recovery offers depressant or stimulant addiction treatment for women struggling with substance use disorders (SUDs). Call 844.540.0357 to…

Hands of someone researching stimulant addiction treatment preparation

Preparing for Stimulant Addiction Treatment

If you are looking for stimulant addiction treatment in Utah, it is essential to take the time to prepare appropriately. Doing so will help ensure that your recovery journey is successful and that you can progress toward a meaningful life free from stimulants. Call 844.540.0357 to speak with someone from Painted Desert Recovery about stimulant…

People in therapy talking about their stimulant addiction treatment expectations

What to Expect in Stimulant Addiction Treatment

Stimulant addiction treatment is a process of healing and recovery. It can be challenging to navigate recovery, so it’s essential to understand and manage your stimulant addiction treatment expectations. Call 844.540.0357 to speak with someone from Painted Desert Recovery about the signs of stimulant addiction, stimulant drug treatment, what to expect from it, and our…

People considering women's nutritional therapy expectations

What to Expect in Women’s Nutritional Therapy

Women’s nutritional therapy is a form of addiction treatment that focuses on the dietary needs of women. It is especially effective as part of an integrated addiction treatment program. Nutrition therapy has been proven to help women build healthier lifestyles and recover from addiction more quickly. Call 844.540.0357 to speak with someone from Painted Desert…