Learning how to nurture your spirit is an essential part of the holistic treatment philosophy. The goal of holistic treatment is to treat all parts of a person, not just one. When receiving holistic addiction treatment, care is taken to make sure the body, mind, and spirit are given equal attention. But for many, they don’t know exactly what the “spirit” is. Some may think the spirit only refers to following a religion, which is not always the case. Religion (or other spirituality) can indeed be part of someone’s spirit, but there is more to it than that, especially when it comes to addiction treatment.
Addiction treatment facilities such as Painted Desert Recovery employ professionals who help clients understand and nurture their spirit. It can be a hard concept to understand at first. How do you nurture your spirit if you don’t know what that means? You can touch your body and you can think with your mind, so how do you find your spirit? The answer to that is simpler than what most people would expect. With the help of compassionate mental health care professionals, it makes it easy to understand and care for a vital part of yourself.
How Is the Spirit Defined in Holistic Treatment?
When a treatment provider wants to help you nurture your spirit, they are referring to the part that makes you an individual. The spirit is how we convey and express our personal views of meaning and purpose. It’s also how we connect to our environment, nature, and each other. To some, your spirit is part of a higher power. Believing so is perfectly valid and is part of many people’s healing journey. For others, to nurture your spirit is to figure out what is most important to yourself. Nurturing the spirit is also critical to building courage, learning how to stand up for yourself, and resisting peer pressure
The spirit can also go by other names. Some refer to it as a soul, others call it an essence, but many just refer to it as your inner self. It doesn’t matter what label you want to call it. What’s important is that you feel comfortable with it, and, subsequently, yourself. Part of holistic addiction treatment is finding ways to help yourself grow as a person over time. It’s okay to be unsure at first. Eventually, you will find ways to nurture your spirit, and, thus, yourself. If you ever felt inspired or particularly aligned with something personal to yourself, that is you interacting with your spirit.
Why Is It Important to Nurture Your Spirit?
It’s important to nurture your spirit because it’s an essential part of addiction treatment. You need to find a purpose or meaning that is stronger than addiction to fully recover. If addiction is the most important thing in someone’s life, then they won’t find the drive needed to complete treatment.
Again, purpose or meaning doesn’t mean you have to follow a religion. A person can find meaning or purpose in anything. Some choose to recover so they can be an advocate for nature. Another may find purpose in creating meaningful art that speaks to others. What’s important is finding something that matters to you that is stronger than addiction. This is why time is spent helping you nurture your spirit. The spirit is needed to overcome difficult challenges, addiction especially.
It’s also important to nurture your spirit so you can stay in recovery and avoid a relapse. Several things can cause a person to relapse. Peer pressure, hardship, and loneliness can make it hard to stay sober. Having a strong spirit gives you resilience. It’s not the same as mental resilience, but it’s similar in that it builds your defenses. Mental resilience allows you to cope with a bad situation healthily, and the spirit allows you to pull your strength forward to fuel the drive to stay sober.
How Does Holistic Addiction Treatment Nurture Your Spirit?
There are several ways in which holistic treatment can nurture your spirit. At Painted Desert Recovery, many therapies help in building confidence and finding personal meaning. For example, art therapy can nurture your spirit by making the act of creation something personally meaningful and fulfilling. Equine therapy allows clients to connect with both nature and animals, helping them find a place they fit in when society is too much. Group therapy is another form of holistic treatment that can nurture your spirit. It allows peers to gather and share hard-earned wisdom. Clients find encouragement to be who they truly are in a safe and nurturing space.
Holistic treatment also teaches you to take time to rest and reflect. This is known as mindfulness. It allows a person to put what burdens them aside for a while, letting them return to it once they are fully rested. This helps prevent burnout in treatment and reduces stress in recovery. When you nurture your spirit, you don’t just learn how to be strong. You also learn how to rest.
It’s not just the therapies and treatments that help, it’s also the treatment providers at Painted Desert Recovery that can nurture your spirit. Many times, people feel alone and unseen. When someone compassionate and understanding is there to help them, they understand that they matter. Once a person can accept that they have a spirit that is worth nurturing, they find a strength within that cannot be extinguished. In a society that often puts women down, having a place that nurtures their spirits is a welcome reprieve. It’s never too late to discover the spirit within yourself and recover from addiction. All it takes is reaching out and accepting the help you need and deserve.
When someone receives holistic addiction treatment, it means that consideration is taken to make sure all parts of a person receive equal attention. This includes the body, the mind, and the spirit. The spirit is what gives us confidence and allows us to form connections with other people. Nurturing your spirit can give you the inner strength and connections needed to recover from addiction. That’s why at Painted Desert Recovery in New Harmony, Utah, clients learn how to nurture and bolster their spirit. With the help of qualified mental health care professionals and compassionate treatment, clients find the aid they need to recover from addiction. To learn more about addiction treatment at Painted Desert Recovery, call (844) 540-0353 today.