Two people discussing addiction therapy vs. treatment

Addiction Therapy vs. Treatment Programs

For anyone seeking help to overcome addiction, it is essential to understand the difference between addiction therapy and treatment programs. Both are necessary for recovery, but they have different focuses and approaches. Call 844.540.0357 to speak with someone from Painted Desert Recovery’s New Harmony, Utah, addiction therapy center about addiction therapy vs. treatment and how…

Women talking about opiate addiction treatment in Utah

Why Choose Opiate Addiction Treatment in New Harmony, Utah?

Opiate addiction is a growing problem in the United States. This is especially true in Utah, where the number of those affected by opiate abuse and addiction continues to rise. Fortunately, there are many options for treatment, including Painted Desert Recovery in New Harmony, Utah. Boasting a beautiful location, you can get to Painted Desert…

Two people expeciencing opiate addiction treatment benefits

5 Benefits of Opiate Addiction Treatment

Opiate addiction is a severe problem in the United States, with an estimated 2.1 million people struggling with opioid use disorder in 2018 alone. If you or someone you know is struggling with opiate addiction, it’s essential to understand the benefits of opiate addiction treatment. Call 844.540.0357 to speak with someone from Painted Desert Recovery’s…

Two people talking about nutritional therapy in Utah

Why Choose Nutritional Therapy in New Harmony, Utah?

With the rise of addiction in recent years, more and more people are looking for effective treatment options. One of those options is nutritional therapy. This motivation to look for effective addiction treatment options may be because drug-related fatalities—often involving addictive behaviors—are increasing in Utah. According to the state’s Office of the Medical Examiner, fatalities…

Doctor explaining to client stimulant vs. depressant drug information

Stimulant vs. Depressant

Stimulants and depressants are two very different types of drugs with varying effects on the body. However, both stimulants and depressants can be addictive when used regularly, and addiction to either requires professional addiction treatment. Painted Desert Recovery offers depressant or stimulant addiction treatment for women struggling with substance use disorders (SUDs). Call 844.540.0357 to…